Yes, we all need to take ownership of promoting freedom and tolerance for those who experience discrimination.
From my experience, I might not be here today without an ally helping me fight discrimination.
I despair at the number of gays who proclaim themselves to be non-political. Yes, it is their prerogative, but never forget many others in the past fought for you to have the choice of being gay and non-political. I also find it sad the number of prominent LGBTQ+ figures who promote and are part of the ultra-right, specifically those promoting the Great Replacement Theory.
We ignore history at our peril. The past has shown us that the forces of hatred will not stop at one group.
Many argue that LGBTQ+ provoke the discrimination that ‘the moral majority’ mete at them because they are too controversial or out there.
Can we expect others to do the work and risk their well-being and family ties if we are unprepared to do the same? If LGBTQ+ had decided not to fight for their rights because they did not wish to offend family members, where would we be today? One can argue that many did not have the choice. Many had run away from home and were living on the fringes of society. Maybe this made it easier for them to fight the fight.