There is Only One Shade of Black; All Others Are Grey.

3 min readAug 9, 2022
Photo by Wallace Chuck:

One but tries. Still, the philosophy of the self as a separate entity can forge an identity divorced from others is undoubtedly a false narrative- (*The Double Consciousness).

Change one can instigate, but having to return to toxic environments will, without doubt, erode the minds of even the bravest soul. One has to bear it and try one’s best to cope. Yes, we can alter our responses to these experiences, but it is hard and can bear down even the most determined minds. There are other worlds that others have to navigate.

A controversial statement, I may here convey. The black man is becoming the pariah, the scapegoat for all that is wrong in this world with toxic masculinity. White patriarchal society informs his sisters that he is holding them back; he is of a degenerate and criminal mind. As a result, some actively partake in acts of grandstanding.

I have personal experiences and have witnessed some blacks being used to denigrate Blackmen. They are more critical of and judge him by standards they would not apply to others.

Yes, there is overt toxic masculinity, but that is not solely the preserve of the Blackman. I see it represented in the highest echelons of white patriarchy; this does not excuse the destructive behaviours of some. Would it not be better to say some? You…




Interested in people, nature, science and technology, and history. MSc in Research Methods (Birkbeck), MA Industrial Design (UAL)