Member-only story
Your words are evocative of life, fractured, broken nuggets, musing and observations. We try to compose linear narratives when our thoughts are broken fragments that we attempt to combine to construct stories — something that makes sense, constructing sense out of nonsense. Of course, they are just random occurrences and experiences, but, alas, we do love our structured linear narratives. We love to compose stories because they give us the veneer of control over our active construction of reality. We write in tenses, and so in this way, we delineate time.
I was reading a piece by Wolfie Bain I love how this composition weaves and meanders. It catches the fleeting glances of random thoughts. The mind’s scatterings, a staccato, a tremolo, syncopations, this is about the real, our experiences as lived. It is akin to splashing paint on a canvas to create a random composition; this is the chaos of being, the thoughts wandering, the idea of string theory comes to mind. I don’t pretend to understand it. I use the idea of string theory as a metaphor, noodles composed of fragments of words hanging in the ether, random vibrations that create a reality. It is akin to connecting the flaccid spaghetti threads to create a composition. In reading, we are constantly making inferences: references back to ourselves, our lived experiences, it is all about us, the Ego talking to itself. We…