The ‘right’ in the States has stopped caring about Race. Wasn’t it Trump this week who stated that Haitians ‘eat cats and dogs’?
Yes, your Dutch friends are concerned about crime; my point is, who commits these crimes? In the context of this essay, bringing up this point suggests that the crimes are being committed by migrants, specifically Black migrants or Muslims. I will give you an example. When I lived in Amsterdam, a senior manager deliberately left money on the floor to tempt his Moroccan cleaner to steal. When ‘some money went missing’, he fired the worker, a classic example of confirmation bias. When Pim Fortuyn was shot, people in the office immediately assumed that a Muslim killed him.
In the UK, there is a myth that migrants commit the majority of crimes; official data does not support this.
Asserting that gaybours are being blighted by crime suggests that these gaybours were and have always been havens of peace and tranquillity. And now the migrants are terrorising these neighbourhoods.
Many Gay districts in many cities have historically been in areas where the underworld existed. The assertion that these areas are now being blighted by crime precisely because of migrants strikes me as being very similar to the old trope of blacks and Muslims turning white areas of tranquillity into areas of crime. Would the crimes in those areas have anything to do with drugs, specifically cocaine? If there wasn’t a market for the drug, then the drug dealers would not hang out in those areas.
I am all for migrants being integrated into a culture. If one looks at the history of the Moroccans and Turks in the Netherlands, one can see that they were encouraged to migrate to address the country's labour shortages. The authorities did not expect them to stay, so they made little effort to integrate them into society.
Again, regarding welfare and benefits, there is no doubt that many migrants claim benefits. However, in the UK, data after data has shown that migrants contribute more to the state than they take.
Further, if benefits and welfare were the prime motive of most migrants, why would they decide to come to the UK? The UK has the worst benefits of all Western European countries. Most migrants and refugees come to the UK because they have relatives there and because of the English language. Again, it is the myth of British superiority that many believe that the UK has the best welfare system in the world.
While leaving the Netherlands, I developed a tooth infection after having a root canal treatment in the UK. To address the infection, I went to a dentist in Amsterdam. After inspecting the tooth, the dentist asked me in which third-world country this root canal treatment was performed.
Most of my European friends return home when they need medical treatment.