Thank you, I am tired of being gaslighted. I am being negative if I highlight institutional racism. I am being negative if I mention my experiences of racism. These mindsets are soul-destroying. You end up analysing yourself, telling yourself maybe the problem is you? Maybe, I am the negative one. You undergo therapy and practice mindfulness in the hope of changing your mindset. The corporation actively encourages you to sign up for mindfulness apps. But, F**K, I still every day have to go out and navigate my way through a hostile, anxiety-triggering environment. Anyhow, I should not use the word 'but'. I should take affirmative action. But suggests indecisiveness. Don't get me started on the psychiatric profession—one of the most racially biased disciplines. Psychiatry focuses on finding solutions within individuals whilst ignoring environmental influences. As I have stated, It is not a coincidence that psychiatry as a profession developed simultaneously with capitalism. Psychiatry's focus is on people's mental states. Historical, this profession has been used to support the idea that 'blacks' are more prone to mental illness because they are mentally more fragile or unstable.