Thank you for the inspiration, this a vivid and emotionally charged poem.
I wish to stand in this deluge, to feel the droplets pitter-pattering on my head. I want to inhale the petrichor and be overwhelmed by the scent, to feel invigorated, to see the light seeds across the sky, the statics it sets alight, leaving trails blazing across the sky. I want to be of the moment, to hear the thunder crackle and roar, to feel the earth quake beneath my feet. Take me to stream, let me see and hear the water deluge, the torrent ragging through the river beds, the rocks crackling as they clash against each other. For, this is life, the energy release, the land overwhelmed by the swells. The bright blue, orange and red crabs scramble to the lagoons in the morning, for this is life, the dawn of the new—the water sweeping away the memory of the drought.