My oh my, phew, you keep on surprising, breathtaking and achingly beautiful words. One does not have to be blatant or obvious or explicit. For, this piece is so erotic. It is like watching lovers or dancers engaged in a romantic tango, the pull, the toing and froing. Moves flow like rivers. They were to be, never mind that a thousand streams and million water droplets came together to create these torrents of tempestuous energy. I am still, as you can imagine, in awe of your words here expressed. Dark, wild, but never-the-less bright and free-flowing. It is akin to catching the first rays of the morning sun on one’s face. It instils a glow inside. Or one caught meditating on a lace curtían flapping in an open window. You forget reason and what first captivated your attention. And so your words flow and sparkles, the light on the water sparkles. But, alas, I have to stop, lest I get carried away. I will return to your words later. Now, I need to catch my breath.