I was surprised by the level of prejudice and racism in the Netherlands. While living there, I realised they suffered from the same attitudes as all former colonial powers. The Netherlands is often marketed as a very liberal country, but in reality, it is one of the most culturally conservative countries in the world. Like many other nations, they celebrate a golden age where they were a powerful imperial force but conveniently forget how they acquired their wealth and status. They were heavily involved in the Slave Trade and the transport of enslaved people across the Atlantic Ocean, and the Dutch East Company plundered and exploited many East and Far East countries. Despite upholding Anne Frank as a symbol of Dutch benevolence, many collaborated with the Nazis. The recent racist commentaries on Lewis Hamilton, the Formula One driver, shocked me. The Netherlands currently has one of the most right-wing governments in Europe. During my time there, I witnessed behaviours that would have been frowned upon in the UK, such as people refusing to sit next to those of Moroccan descent and racist conversations by my work colleagues. Despite trying to appear modest, the Dutch engage in the trappings associated with acquiring large sums of money. Shell Oil, a Dutch company, is one of the most exploitative in the world, and the Netherlands is also one of the largest tax havens globally.