Hi, Galvin Mike; thank you for responding to the essay. Regarding your comments about not being sure what LGBTQ rights the Christian fundamentalists are chipping away at, first, I was referring in the US to Trans and Queer rights. Secondly, I was referring to their activities in Africa.
I lived in Amsterdam for three years, and I saw more violence being committed by English drunks than any other group. I have seen no data referencing crimes committed by migrants. However, I very much doubt that Muslims are committing the majority of them. https://ocindex.net/country/netherlands.
I am not defending homophobia by Muslim fundamentalists.
As a lapsed Catholic, you must be aware of the Pope’s pronouncements on Gay rights.
Further, the Catholic church in the States is very vocal in its opposition to gay rights and has been at the forefront of resisting giving rights to LGBTQ+. Further, my criticism was of the far-right’s attempts to appeal to LGBs by stating they have a common enemy in Islam. As a gay man, I am for gay rights.
Are states in the US banning gay-themed books from schools and libraries?
I, too, am an avid viewer of Question Time on the BBC. The recent riots in the UK have shown that the Reform Party's rhetoric is far from harmless, ironic or amusing.
The image of the old-fashioned harmless British Gentleman is and was a myth. This also supports the hypothesis that countries brand themselves and project an image that they use for political purposes. I would recommend reading Caroline Elkins's book Legacy of Violence.
I can write an essay on why migrants are not the cause of the cost-of-living crisis in the UK. Let's start with the financial crisis of 2008, which ushered in austerity; secondly, the great unmentionable in the UK, Brexit; and thirdly, failed privatisation projects. I can also add to this the delusions of sections of the population of taking back control, when, for example, the Qataris own vast sways of London, such as Canary Wharf.
In the UK before Brexit, the majority of migrants came from Europe. However, because of the fear of Europe being used as a backdoor for ‘undesirable’ non-white migrants, the population voted for Brexit. The majority of migrants are coming from India and Nigeria, and the population is now more upset.
Where are the Gaybors in Amsterdam? As far as I am aware, the internet and online dating killed them off. The gay population in Amsterdam, as in London, is dispersed throughout the city.
The premise of equality is a misnomer because how can this be obtained if one group considers itself inherently superior to all others? One can assimilate, but one will never be fully accepted because one is othered.