Member-only story
One stormy night a ship did sail across an ocean carrying a cargo of humans to distant shores. Enslaved — on this night, one of the captives took flight in a bid for freedom despite being aware of the futility of this action. Upon breaking free from the herring pits. Lumbering with legs of thunder, he picks up the balls and chains — holding them to his chest.
Sucking the air out of his lungs, he opens the valves, funnels the ozone inside. Stumbling over the edge of the hull, he plunges into the ocean, better this than have his limbs sheared from his torso.
As the ball and chains shear him down into the deep, he opens his mouth, lifts his head, he opens his eyes wide and looks up at the stars, which are ripped from the sky.
The shards of water, pierce through the sinuses upon reaching his head they explode like cluster bombs the fragments shredding the soft membrane of his brain.
The heart slips deep into the depths, peace is its retreat, recoiled, resigned to its fate.
Salvation has come quick, and for this, he is merciful.