Member-only story
To feel empathy, for this to go unheeded, to appear the fool — the basis of all knowledge and wisdom questioned.
To construct this reality of deceptions — an abstraction of the abstract, returning to the former causes such confusion.
Questioning the basis of self: the world as perceived.
To overturn the delusions of the mind, one’s reality immune — comforted by pride.
The judgement of truth, the acquisition of knowledge, brings little solace to the heart.
These realities I construct sculpted into a work of art, an attempt to capture the heart’s desires, to represent the beautiful as perceived.
I hoped that your judgement would be the same that you would gain the same knowledge.
I wrote you prose and lyrics — for I am not a musician, if I were, I would write you a symphony one that captured my Dionysian desires — to set alight the fires of Vesuvius: the fear, the hope, the joy, the despair, the intoxication, the obsession, me as the creator of worlds. To feel like a god, elevated to a high, to see beyond the self and the ‘will’, to the beginning, losing self-restraint, to break free the chains of chaos, create disorder out of order, to the beginning — the unity — beyond the facade of false realities. In love-the metaphysical made real, to be as the gods —…