Bravo, and welcome back. None surpasses your imagery, use of metaphor and words. It is always a pleasure to read your poems. It is like the sun emerging from behind a cloud; it casts light and warmth on your face. Suddenly, you feel alive. You feel the heat that stings.
You transformed an overcast indifferent day into one that is bright and vivid. Wow, what an opening; your poetic play of words entices. "Claustrophobic small city, Against a backdrop of charred olive trees". Your words make one's heart sing with joy. It singes the fragile membrane and sets fireworks alight. What can one do but surrender and give oneself to the spectacle? Dark and foreboding, the drunkard sits on the bay dock, facing the shore and the horizon. He is lost but knows that another day awaits him. And, so, I await another of your composition.
Last night promised hope and redemption, a glimmer of light and then this. I digest, for I speak of the hope and courage of the young, those who will not allow the old to chain them to the past. This, too, makes my heart sing with joy.
What dark berry lips could utter these words, for jewels they create, rubies, and dark rich emerald. They emerge and slip from the mouth like fully rounded Faberge eggs.
In a dark, sombre room, they await the glimmer of light for them to shine and come alive. So precious are your words, so rounded and cutting. They are performative plays coming into being, for only one who has lived, and tasted the dark rich reductions, can paint a canvas that leaves the viewer emotionally charred.
May Zeus be seduced by words and elevate you to the heavens to dwell amongst the gods of Olympus. See - your words makes fools of grown men, sets flames and torches their hearts to cinder. Thirsty, they desire the communion of the divine deep-blood red wine.