As a black person, if you speak The Queen's English, you are a coon, buffon, or jonny come lately. The European Enslavers used their language to erase the enslaved Africans' culture. To prevent rebellion amongst the enslaved, they mixed people from different tribes. The enslaved then had no choice but to adopt the enslaver's language. The colonialist did not teach the enslaved blacks their languages. The colonialists and subsequently educated blacks and coloured mocked the blacks who did not master the language. Regarding Obama, Boris Johnson and his kind graphically illustrated what they thought of him. I am sure their opinion had zero effect on him. However, he was not the intended audience. During the Brexit campaign, I remember the vitriol directed at Obama. Many of the Brexiteers were saying how dare an American president interfere in their politics; reading between the lines, they were saying how dare this black man express an opinion about our country.