Member-only story
If I could define beauty, the esthetic comes from within. I express myself and create a template to represent the ideal. You are thus, the beauty I see, the beauty I crave, fleshed out from within, a monument and ode to the joy emanating from inside. To see you is to view beauty as personified and defined.
I have dreamt and hungered a perception of being, an ideal conscious state of comprehending and embracing the self. It brings forth creativity and spurs the imagination into becoming, to imagine ideals — forms of being and seeing.
The ideal I sought is within me. It comes from understanding the self — my values and their modes of expression. And it is there that beauty is made material and spiritual.
It has been a long and torturous journey. I have been at the gates of Hades and crossed the river Phlegethon and come out the other side. For, in this descent, I found my true self. It is a journey that many have travailed. My tortured soul longs to create; it was there it found itself in ascendent — the transfiguration of the material and the spiritual.
I desire that which I find beautiful. You, it appears, upholds my values, making you beauty as personified — the esthetic. The soul in transcendence establishes a vision that is burnished and treasured. The esthetic desires to comfort and flatter itself at its perception of the ideal — the one that furnishes solace and the gezelligheid. To perceive beauty is to see within. I desire a sympathetic resonance, and you, it appears, is that which I seek. The debris aggregates to create a beautiful composition.